Saturday, June 9, 2007

Fear and Love

Niccolo Machiavellli Said:

Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved.

I somewhat feel this is true because if people feared a person such as a CEO of a company or a leader for a group of employees the person in charge would be able to get his workers to work much more efficiently by placing fear into his laborors instead of that leader showing love and kindness towards them. But I also think there is a downfall to this because if people feared a person all the time they would be more prone to not like that person and eventually prey for that persons downfall. When thinking about this there is both a good and bad side to this situations. So I ask the question to my fellow readers. What do you think about the topic at hand? Do you think it is better to be loved or feared?


Anonymous said...

This book is one of my all time favorites on in hood terms, how to be a successful pimp (at least that is how I view it. It is definitely better to be feared than loved simply because you don't have to worry as much as people trying to get over on you, for example, close friends and family members. The farther they are away from your circle, they look at you from an outside perspective and not how friends and family view you.


love and fear definitely dont match.
Love should be accompanied by respect.respect can be earned and cannot be enforced.Hence enforcing respect by using fear is not going to last.
Love and only love can earn respect and not fear.
Fear and love are the opposites of the spectrum.

Loving Awareness said...

Fear can help on short term goals, but it really falls apart in the long term. Living in fear is simply not enjoyable, and after a while people realize that there's nothing to be gained by playing along. But then, the topic of Love is such a huge one - everyone means different things. But everyone still responds to it when they see it, and are much more willing to change from that than fear.

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