Friday, May 25, 2007

Do My Senses Deceive Me?

Sense is a utility needed by all people. It is a utility that gives our mind thought and idea. It is a function that gives all humans a concrete visual of the world. But bringing up a personal thought, I ask myself is there a Fallacy within the system of the senses? Do my senses deceive me? Is what I see real? Or are my eyes just telling the brain what it wants me to see? Are the objects that I touch real? Are the voices and the sounds I hear authentic? Or is it just the ears deceiving the brain to what it wants me to hear? Are the smells of the beautiful flower genuine or is it just the nose trying to remind me what the smell of eloquence is? Maybe I should look into this concept, this fallacy of the sense. A little bit of metaphysics may give us the answer? I certainly believe humans need to look deeper to find a real solution?
Are my senses really the best to use when it comes to finding the truth about the world or its civilization? Or do my senses fail in these areas?
The average man, I ask these same questions to but he cannot give me a reasonable answer. Instead, it raises the same thought in his mind.
The sun, which rises everyday in the sky, could be bigger then what I imagine it to be. The very site that I see is evidence presented from my vision. I must say all the thoughts that I can sense can be a great fallacy, but still rely on my senses very heavily. I can’t even imagine the things beyond me not being real.
Maybe this is the cause for why there are so many difficulties between humans in this world. How could they possibly know if what they’re looking at is actually real? Maybe these are the reasons why men are blind, confused, ignorant and arrogant of the concepts of his world?
Unfortunately this utility of the sense may never be understood. As for now my senses are all that have to rely on.

1 comment:

Celestine said...

nice blog man you bring up good topics